You don’t like your smile ? With our method of analysis we can virtually evaluate your smile, discover the weak points and study how to improve it. This improvement may be simulated directly in the mouth without touching the teeth.

This is how we analyze the smile. We take a series of dynamic pictures of the face of profiles and of the smile and a small film to evaluate all aspects of your smile.

We also take dental impressions of the mouth to create chalk models in studio.

The analysis enables:

  • Anatomic evaluation of the face
  • Evaluation of lips, shape, movement
  • Evaluation of gums and equilibrium of gum contours, morphology


  • shape and size ,
  • color (fluorescence and brightness)
  • characteristics (opalescence, translucency transparencies) ,
  • incisal margins

Evaluation of the aesthetic integration of face, shape of smile, teeth and personality of the individual.

From our analysis , improvements will be suggested to make your smile so much better.
Together with the patient, we will analyze all the possible solutions and then simulate with special resin shells the effect of all our solutions of improvement.
Everything is reversible and we do not modify the teeth in any way.

Contact us for an appointment
© 2017 | POLI4C s.r.l Via Vittor Pisani 14, 2O124 Milano | Tel +39 02 67 07 32 25 / +39 02 67 09 768 | CF e P.IVA 13274420960 Iscr. Reg. imprese.Milano n.2714511 | Cap.Soc.i.v. Euro 230.000.00