A dedicated software enables the creation of images from the acquisition of 3D radiology system, creating virtual anatomic models. All this enables the simulation of a surgery and the creation of surgical guides which conduct the surgical drills with micrometric precision.

The creation of this 3D equipment has given a big help to doctors for the diagnosis. The big elaboration capacity of the computer has enabled the virtual creation of models. The doctor can simulate, evaluate, and plan the implant surgery in the best possible way.

The advantages of this technique are:

  • An accurate diagnosis of the high risk areas (nerves, maxillary sinus, anatomic anomalies) . A correct diagnosis reduces surgical risks.
  • We can establish, beforehand, the fixture to be used (length, width, inclination, depth of insertion). Everything is planned beforehand.
  • The fixture will be positioned with the best inclination to facilitate the prostatic finalization.
  • The prosthetic masks are equipped with precise metal guides
  • In special cases we can perform the loading of the implant with temporary prostatic which has been created beforehand.
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