Total bleaching

Dental bleaching is a process that eliminates superficial spots of enamel (discoloration) increasing the brilliance of the tooth.

Usually teeth aren’t perfectly white as porcelain but they have small yellow shadows on the dental rim and gray-light blue transparencies on the incisal margins. Canine teeth are slightly more yellow on the rim. The color is not determined by the enamel which is translucent but by the dentine beneath it.
With the passing of time, teeth start to get darker and lose their brightness because secondary dentine is deposited.

There are three bleaching methods for dental polishing to eliminate superficial spots and re-establish the natural brightness of teeth. We deposit bicarbonate and polish different pastes on the teeth. :


  • POLISHING : eliminates superficial spots and re-establishes the natural brightness of teeth. We deposit bicarbonate and polish different pastes on the teeth.


  • BLEACHING: This method uses a very powerful oxidizing agent which brightens teeth (hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide). The bleaching can also be performed in the dentistry office with more concentrated solutions using a special bleaching light or a laser. At home using special masks and less concentrated gels.


  • MICROABRASION: This is a technique to eliminate color spotting (brown and white) of enamel on teeth which have not perfectly formed during growth.

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